


Megaloblastic Anemia

Megaloblastic-AnemiaMegaloblastic anemia is a type of anemia caused by DNA synthesis disorders. It is mainly due to the lack of vitamin B12 and/or folic acid, both of which are important components in the DNA synthesis process. When lacking, they will lead to the dysfunction of DNA synthesis, and the development of the nucleus lags behind the cytoplasm, causing megaloblasts. In the hematopoietic system, it is manifested that the affected cells cannot develop and mature normally, and most of them are destroyed or apoptosis in the bone marrow, causing ineffective hematopoiesis. The number of mature blood cells in the peripheral blood decreases, leading to anemia.

Diagnosis of Megaloblastic Anemia

The diagnostic methods for megaloblastic anemia are:

  • Routine blood and blood smear tests. Detect the number and appearance of erythrocytes. Anemia patients have fewer erythrocytes than normal people. In patients with megaloblastic anemia, the erythrocytes appear to be large and underdeveloped. In advanced defects, the number of leukocytes and platelets may also decrease and appear abnormal under the microscope.
  • Bone marrow puncture smear. Patients will have an active proliferation of nuclear cells, and cells of each line are characterized by megaloblasts. The degree of change is positively correlated with the degree of anemia. The cells are large, the cytoplasm is more mature than the nucleus, and the bone marrow iron staining increases.
  • Examination of folic acid and vitamin B12. The patient's serum folate or vitamin B12 was lower than normal. Due to some influencing factors, the decrease of the two in serum cannot be used as the basis for diagnosis. The examination of the folate level in erythrocytes can accurately reflect the amount of folic acid in the body, and the vitamin B12 absorption test can help judge the cause of vitamin B12 deficiency.
  • Intrinsic factor antibody examination. About half of pernicious anemias can detect intrinsic factor antibodies in the serum.
  • Other checks. Including blood homocysteine and methylmalonic acid tests, deoxyuridine inhibition tests, which can indirectly reflect the lack of folic acid and vitamin B12.

Advantages of Our Products

Creative Biogene's products are mainly for the examination of folic acid and vitamin B12, which are of great significance for the differential diagnosis of megaloblastic anemia. Our relevant kits use chemiluminescence immunoassay, which can detect substances that cannot be detected by immunoassay or enzyme-linked immunoassay, and are of great value in the early diagnosis of diseases. And our products have the advantages of high sensitivity, good stability, simple and fast operation.

Creative Biogene has accumulated years of experience in megaloblastic anemia diagnosis. We promise to provide you with the best diagnostic products. You can choose us with confidence.

Please contact us for more details.


  1. Hansen A, et al. (2010). "Metabolic Effects and Diagnostic Value of Small Doses of Folic Acid and B12 in Megaloblastic Anemias1." Acta Medica Scandinavica. 172.4:427-443.
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